By obviously not the favorite - 05/07/2017 18:37

Today, my mom called me a "useless spoiled brat" because I refused to drive my sister across the city just to buy flavored gelatin. I've had Amoebic Dysentery for 3 days now and need constant bathroom access. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 616
You deserved it 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Agree to take your sister on the condition that you use your mother's car in case lack of bathroom access leads to messy issues. My bet is she'd drop the subject.

Who's the real "useless spoiled brat" here, mom?


Who's the real "useless spoiled brat" here, mom?

Agree to take your sister on the condition that you use your mother's car in case lack of bathroom access leads to messy issues. My bet is she'd drop the subject.

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Well your mom had a really crappy attitude. Wait till she walks in on you crying in the fecal position, then she'll have to rethink words.

You should buy adult diapers and fill them up as you help your sister on her mission. Flavored Jell-O is just that AMAZING! Who's with me on that?

Lobby_Bee 17

Hard to say. I cannot formally form an opinion until I try unflavored Jell-O.

I shall wait patiently for you to do such research.

Adeline90 10

tbh the second part of your FML is totally irrelevant. you don't have to explain yourself for not doing this ridiculous task

No, the second part is totally relevant. Not only does OP's mom want him to drive his sister across the city (why can't mom do it?), but she doesn't care that he has dysentery and probably should not be driving.

If one of her children is spoiled, who does she think spoiled them? I would personally think it's your sister's behaviour that meets that description but either way it's generally the parents who do the spoiling...

thatslifeiguess7 16

shouldn't you be in the hospital and on an iv and antibiotics

stephh_1 11

Well that definitely sucks, hope you get better soon.