By nomorefreehugs - 27/06/2011 23:34 - United States

Today, I saw a guy with a "free hugs" poster. Since nobody else was hugging him, I decided to. He had a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 709
You deserved it 41 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments


it was not a boner it was his poster holder

XoxoUrGrlXoxo 0

And on the back it said free boners, right?

alex6946 10

poor guy, he was very lonely :( at least you made him happy :)

fluffy_nuggets 0

I don't get it, what's the problem?

alex6946 10

AHH! I love your name :) FLUFFY NUGGETS! it just sounds so perfect ;D

fluffy_nuggets 0

I did that once with my buddies on Canada Day hah so much fun but we didn't get any boners or anything like that :D

I don't really know how a hug can give someone a boner except for guys who get excited that easily.

InnocentLies 0

not even if the girl is really hot?

bigmanj28 0

it just gets better and better

haha you saw that on YouTube today ;)

I wouldn't complain if I were you O.P. you should take what you can get.