By Sam - 20/08/2010 05:34 - United States
Same thing different taste
By nico - 01/07/2011 04:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/03/2012 20:17 - United States - Fresno
By snidpea - 31/01/2010 17:07 - France
By Wilson - 04/10/2018 22:00
By anonymous - 10/01/2010 05:55 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/02/2010 07:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/08/2013 17:39 - Spain - Mon?var
By Anonymous - 14/03/2011 04:49 - United States
I suck
By Anonymous - 18/02/2023 12:00
By ... - 02/10/2012 20:55 - Canada - Airdrie
Top comments
sucks :/
FYL for not having better "friends".
was it at least an important game? not that it would make it much better
guys and their sports..
it could have been worse! you could have rushed to the ER expecting to get a strap for your knee, but come out with a lime green cast from your ankle to your thigh...
YDI for calling it soccer
YDI for calling it football e_e
of course soccer is more important...they have the most notorious fans ever. were you really suprised?
that sucks. look at the bright side, your team didn't lose the game; they played and won.
Walk it off, you pussy. If it isn't broken or spurting blood, get back in the freaking game! Goddamn whiners piss me off.
Why do some people feel it necessary to comment on every single FML? Are their "witty" comments that good or do they just spend way too much time here?
what's with you and your "it could have been worse stories"?loll
YDI for calling it soccer
Apparently your friends thought you were fine... which you probably were. If you're well enough to stand up and take yourself to the hospital, your knee is fine
YDI for calling it soccer
1.You should have told them to STFU and take you to the ER 2.You need new friends 3.Get over it because it wasn't so bad since you GOT to post on FML.
16 - I know that's a joke but football (actually futball) does make better sense than soccer >.<
when you're knee is screwed up, continuing to play doesn't make you tough, it makes you stupid. you can't play to the best of your ability which pretty much ***** your team over. and chances are, you'll just screw it up more. that's what happened to me when I ran track.
soccer is the shit!
hockey ftw!
rugby ftw :)
football ftw!!
Tiddlywinks ftw!
5- your right!
Ahhhh! 24 I love you right now, xD. Not many people have heard of Tiddlywinks. :)
29.. ftl, what's it meen?:L
35.. It means for the loss lol
Roller skating FTW.
Risk FTW.
figure skating ftw
You know if you weren't the one injured, you'd keep playing too. :P
I think it was just a kick about, not a proper organised match
same shit happened to me except it was karaté practice.
YDI for tryin to ruin the game
you could have waited on the sideline until the game finished? you only twisted your knee.
Or had an assistant coach take you.
What rude players.

You know if you weren't the one injured, you'd keep playing too. :P
soccer is the shit!