By nomorefreehugs - 27/06/2011 23:34 - United States

Today, I saw a guy with a "free hugs" poster. Since nobody else was hugging him, I decided to. He had a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 709
You deserved it 41 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments


i always feel like punching those weirdos.. i don't understand why anyone would want to hug those hobbos in the first place, but hey there's always someons dumb enough

are you hot? or were you showing a lot of cleavage...

hahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahaha eww.(;

SneakherHead 5

guess you found out why no one else was

pinkrink9 5

why the he'll would you do that? that's discusting!