Cheaply romantic

By Anonymous - 26/06/2021 16:00

Today, I walked into a dollar store as my boyfriend's girlfriend. I came out as his fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 719
You deserved it 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m torn on this. Is it an FML because of where the proposal happened, or is it a YDI for where it happened. But outside that, congratulations

if it makes you feel any better, my ex husband proposed to me while I was sitting on the toilet


I’m torn on this. Is it an FML because of where the proposal happened, or is it a YDI for where it happened. But outside that, congratulations

Ambrily 27

If you're a girl, you're his fiancée. Other than that, congrats, but maybe you could have said a 'temporary no' and asked him to do it somewhere else, if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Wadlaen 23

Not sure what the FML here is unless you didn't want to be engaged. In which case, you have the right to say no to a proposal. But if it was one of those public proposals where you're put on the spot, you probably didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings in front of onlookers. The setting wasn't the most romantic, but trust me, it could have been a lot worse.

if it makes you feel any better, my ex husband proposed to me while I was sitting on the toilet

xxlk4xx 6

my fiance proposed to me in a circle k parking lot! I honestly would have had it any other way (we picked the ring together and also went to go pick it up when it was ready!)

Sure, but did you find out when the Mongols ruled China?