By houdini - 03/02/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, I went to a fast food restaurant. The guy behind me was a pretty hot latin guy. When I went to pay, my purse fell off the counter. My birth control pills, a condom, 3 super plus tampons and an extra pair of underwear I keep in there for emergencies fell out at his feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 954
You deserved it 11 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pop_and_Pixels 0

Man, that's rough. But I understand where you're coming from. I have tons of stuff in my purse as well "just in case". Tissues, a miniature magnifying glass, a small first aid kit, a deck of Indiana Jones themed playing cards, a rape whistle, a pocketknife... everything but the kitchen sink. You never know what could happen...

and that's why you put it all in that little zip up compartment that bags come with so that doesn't happen


Pop_and_Pixels 0

Man, that's rough. But I understand where you're coming from. I have tons of stuff in my purse as well "just in case". Tissues, a miniature magnifying glass, a small first aid kit, a deck of Indiana Jones themed playing cards, a rape whistle, a pocketknife... everything but the kitchen sink. You never know what could happen...

rulechibippl 0

Nothing wrong with being prepared.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Too bad she didn't have anything in the purse to save her from embarrassment.

Maybe he likes a woman who's prepared for anything! =D


wtf is up with #1. too damn stereotypical! as for houdini, i do see how it maybe a lil embarassing *in the fact that you dropped almost everything* but its nothing bad! i mean you're prepared you're careful and safe. speaks a lot about you.

I have an idea... instead of taking that last week of pills just skip it and keep taking the pills everyday. Voila, no periods.

lottso88 4

That can really mess you up. Your uterus needs to shed every month, or else you wouldn't even have a period in the first place.

misslauraselina 8

You can actually skip it most months as long as you have at least 3 periods a year. Your uterus doesn't "need" to shed, and there are no proven negative effects to skipping your period if you do it responsibly and make sure your doctor knows about it.

ohh my gooodness! hahahahaha life sucks.

MetalCraze 11

you carry a spare pair of undewear cause periods may get messy