By Bob - 14/04/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, I was working at a local restaurant when another server's table called me over to ask if I've "ever killed anybody". They informed me I looked like a serial killer. I informed them, of course, that I have never killed anybody. Another customer claimed I scared her child. I was fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 002
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bioclock 0

This is just so mean that I almost can't believe it. Who calls someone over to inform them that they look like a murderer? What did they expect you to say after asking if you've killed anyone, "Why, yes ma'am, I've murdered about 14 people. I target women wearing red on a full moon. Thanks for asking!"

hahahah we all get that... no, we dont actually. go get a makeover you scary **** :)


Thorr_fml 0

first atleast you dont look like a pedophile?

hahahah we all get that... no, we dont actually. go get a makeover you scary **** :)

this doesn't even make sense. Was this an elaborate April Fools joke?

This makes me wonder what you look like.

@ #2-- hahahahaha, I agree. If this is real, then Bob, it sounds like it's makeover time. Find a fashionable lady or gay to help you not look like such a scary ******.

What the hell? Your boss knew what you looked like when they hired you, if there was some huge problem with your appearance it would have come up then. I am so sick of people getting fired, apparently on the word of one or two stupid customers, for BS reasons...

bioclock 0

This is just so mean that I almost can't believe it. Who calls someone over to inform them that they look like a murderer? What did they expect you to say after asking if you've killed anyone, "Why, yes ma'am, I've murdered about 14 people. I target women wearing red on a full moon. Thanks for asking!"

angrydinosaur 4
bitch_pleez 10

Not gonna lie, that's funny as shit. If I got fired for looking like a serial killer I would be laughing my ass off.

yeahreally 6

lmfao.... you look like a serial killer? well at least they didn't call you hideous..right?

Later, I got so upset, that I accidentally killed my boss in a fit of rage. FML.