By idiotfriend - 16/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I rented some movies in attempts to cheer up my best friend. Her husband just died a few weeks ago in a helicopter accident. I was in a rush and didn't read the descriptions of the two films, one was about a plane crash where all the passengers died. She cried through the entire movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 729
You deserved it 87 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you continue to watch the entire thing...?


yea ur rite, she could have checked on her way home.

too dense to read the synopsis before you rent a movie? ydi

actually something similar happened to me once. a guy i was screwing came over and that movie High Fidelity came on whatever random movie station was on. we missed most of it, but when we started to watch the female lead's father was dying. my fwb was still getting over the loss of his father and was having a hard go of it. ya know what i did? i apologized [even though it wasnt my fault] and asked if he wanted me to turn it off. i didnt let him sit there and watch the rest of it! durh!

GOD !!! You made Her watch the hole thing !!! You would think that once you knew what it was about , you would TURN IT OFF !!!! YDI and FHL NOT yours !!!!

blakrhynes 0
Majinveggie10 0

then why didnt you turn it off?

ArielTheMermaid 17

Why didn't you turn it off???

meatbunss 1

Confronting the problem is good, right?

Eternityfalls 0