By idiotfriend - 16/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I rented some movies in attempts to cheer up my best friend. Her husband just died a few weeks ago in a helicopter accident. I was in a rush and didn't read the descriptions of the two films, one was about a plane crash where all the passengers died. She cried through the entire movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 729
You deserved it 87 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you continue to watch the entire thing...?


This is identical to an older one someone else posted. The last line is exactly the same copy-pasted. I highly doubt it's true. (Besides, anyone would turn it off right as they notice the problem. Makes no sense.)

Islander_fml 5

Did you watch "Passengers" with Anne Hathaway and Patrick Wilson? I know that's about plane crash survivors, and it's still on the new release shelves in Blockbuster. If you did, then it's definitely YDI because you should see by the name what the film is about.

My friend rented a movie about a woman who was trying to get pregnant right after I had a miscarriage--people make those mistakes sometimes, I guess. What kills me is that after you got far enough through the movie to see what was going on, why the hell didn't you turn it off?!! Coming from your friend's perspective, I woulda felt really rude to get up and walk out, but seriously, if you're trying to cheer someone up, you'd think you'd be more careful about what you were going to show her anyway!! Next time (if you have to go the movie route), I'd suggest a comedy.

Next time rent something you know would be appropriate or look for something good on IMDB, then rent it. It's really quite amazing how big a difference an extra five minutes of planning can make.

Has United 93 ever cheered anyone up?!

wow your poor friend.....ydi......& fhl

Her husband just died. Did you expect her to never cry? She could cry at anytime! Crying is inevitable. Crying is emotionally cathartic because it secretes specific chemicals that lowers pain. She's still bereaved and inconsolably depressed. Considering that your brain is the size of a grape, next time let someone with half a brain console her, then go home and read "The complete Idiot's Guide to Common Sense." Twice.

I was going to give you a FYL, until I realised that you said the "entire" movie. You watched the entire goddamn movie while she was crying?