By idiotfriend - 16/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I rented some movies in attempts to cheer up my best friend. Her husband just died a few weeks ago in a helicopter accident. I was in a rush and didn't read the descriptions of the two films, one was about a plane crash where all the passengers died. She cried through the entire movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 729
You deserved it 87 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you continue to watch the entire thing...?


shighappens 0

YDI for not reading about the movie.

I don't believe this really happened. IF it had SOMEONE either you or her would have turned off the movie at SOME POINT. I could not imagine her saying, "No no you spent money on it, let's just see it through!" Yeah for sure. And 2 IF you were a good friend and trying to cheer her up you would have gotten something HILARIOUS and void of love interests.

why didn't you just turn it off? and what a bad movie that must've been, when everybody died. fake!

muffinsareyummy 1

you insensitive bitch. you just rent any movie u can get your hand on without looking at it, for a friend that's in that situation just cause your in a hurry? common? if your a real friend you'd try to rent something you are half way sure she would like. besides how can a movie really cheer her up after her loss? Y clearly DI.

you're a ********. and you let her sit through it too. wtf are you =/

Okay, renting the movie in a hurry without looking at the description is one thing, but you COULD have read the description before playing it ... after all, you had two movies so you should have played the other one. I'm guessing you're blond.

loveyoy22 0

why the hell would you even begin to watch it?!

wow bitch y would u do sumthin like that to her? u shoulda took a lil extra time and said u were going to be late