By idiotfriend - 16/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I rented some movies in attempts to cheer up my best friend. Her husband just died a few weeks ago in a helicopter accident. I was in a rush and didn't read the descriptions of the two films, one was about a plane crash where all the passengers died. She cried through the entire movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 729
You deserved it 87 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you continue to watch the entire thing...?


doglover100 28

You didn't turn it off because?

You should have read the description, you should have turned it off when you realized what it was about. YDI.

KyokoSakuraChan 15

FYL, YDI. You may have deserved it, but you were just trying to be a good friend and help out.

When being considerate definitely make sure you read the description also ydi cuz usually the picture helps

ireallylikepasta 12

YDI for not reading the description. also, why did you watch the whole thing? if they even mentioned planes I would have turned it off.

I know u wrote you were in a rush but how much longer to go in comedy ilse and pick something u knew that was funny Or called her and asked for request shed like to watch.this resulting in her feeling more upset. with ur lack of being focused u turn a good positive thing for her into a cry fest all over again. Ohhh boyys Fyl dealing with a ll this

You are an idiot. Why would you not check to see what it was about. And why would you keep watching.

randybryant799 20