By sadgirl - 23/01/2009 16:52 - United States

Today, I was doing a striptease for this guy over my webcam. I was shaking my ass while taking off my panties, but when they fell to my feet, I tripped over them and fell on my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 919
You deserved it 56 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess some people are just a natural born ho, others maybe need more practice.

MCart_fml 0

Anyone else thinking American Pie right now?


Well I guess some people are just a natural born ho, others maybe need more practice.

ThatOneTimeLord 25

Little bit to soon. (Considering the date of this post)

MCart_fml 0

Anyone else thinking American Pie right now?

you didn't turn it into a sexy dance like they say in flight of the conchords

hey msg your msn here and we'll 'talk' sometime

How desperate... You don't even know if OP is ugly.

xobabygurlx23 2

LMFAO, that's a move I'd make. tryna be sexy & BOOM , make a fool outta myself. I give you props.

Why do people call pants or knickers panties???

LadyEmi 15

Dude panties are underwear you dork not pants!

shadexilmaendu 4

In some European countries they call underwear pants... I know that's the case in England.

_DivaStylsz_ 0

oh gosh , not a good loook.

screenname please? haha forreal i dont care if u trip...