By Benchlover - 10/10/2016 12:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I realized two things: how much time I've spent waiting between lectures, and just how bad my love life is. I found out that I get incredibly jealous when somebody sits on my favourite bench in the centre of the campus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 228
You deserved it 1 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey now, love life has nothing to do with it. I too get obscenely jealous when others touch/go near objects that I have claimed as mine. "No touchy." -- Rule 146.

sonasonic 34

Break up with it. You deserve better.


Hey now, love life has nothing to do with it. I too get obscenely jealous when others touch/go near objects that I have claimed as mine. "No touchy." -- Rule 146.

No one should sit in "your spot," Sheldon!

sonasonic 34

Break up with it. You deserve better.

It's part routine. If that's where you sit on a day to day basis I can understand your disappointment when someone is sitting in your normal spot.

Have you tried any dating sites to meet people? maybe that will help?

So...You fell in love with the bench?

I feel the same way about other people reading my books before I get a chance to finish them. I dont know why, but I get super jealous about my literature... Weird lol

dietcoke09 25

Maybe you should start seeing other people (benches)?

I'm happily married, and still get salty when my favorite study spot is taken.