By Username - 03/05/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, I realized the only reason I chose to lose weight is that I can never cross the crosswalk fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 228
You deserved it 34 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marijuanasmoker4 3

You could gain more weight, and just roll across the crosswalk.


looopylemon 0

dont drink soda! only water

Dino1234 0

or you could just be a normal person and have a CAR, or you could even... this might be too strange, move to a better place that doesn't have walk across'

You're ******* stupid. First of all, you don't need a ******* car to drive across a crossroad. It's called walking, and it's this amazing thing that people have two legs to do, to get places whilst burning calories. Second, you haven't considered that, oh shit, maybe the place OP is walking to isn't right ******* next to their house! Because wow, this might be too strange, but most people can't move right next to malls, and shopping centers, and so on.

perdix 29

You have no worries -- no one will hit a fattie with their car. The collision will cause too much damage. It's the same reason no one hits a moose on purpose.

lilmisslovely13 15

seriously? is it the only reason you want to lose weight? not because you want guys to hit on/check you out all the time?

lmfao thats hilarious! im sorry! but hey any kind of motivation is good...