By Username - 03/05/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, I realized the only reason I chose to lose weight is that I can never cross the crosswalk fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 228
You deserved it 34 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marijuanasmoker4 3

You could gain more weight, and just roll across the crosswalk.


so, keep going so you can cross it lightning fast

at least you're trying to get more in shape...

wow you spelt boners. congratulations? was there actually a point to that comment

MovingOn09 0

sometimes the light is too fast.

I'm skinny and I still can't make it on time :)

lols size one? is that skinny enough?? :PP

koolkat27 13

134- I can never make it on time either, and i'm not even overweight. The light just turns too damn fast:(

ya beating that 15 seconds is hard work.. think how grandma feels u should get a car but then how big would u be

butterflyz1961 2

Well that's a good reason. You don't want to get run over.

chucksonmifeet 0

lmaooo neither can I don't worry !