By Username - 03/05/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, I realized the only reason I chose to lose weight is that I can never cross the crosswalk fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 228
You deserved it 34 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marijuanasmoker4 3

You could gain more weight, and just roll across the crosswalk.


yo momas so fat when she fell asleep on the curb, she receved a parking ticket.

Nice picture, adding Osama Bin Laden's head was a good touch.

So what, your health wasn't a valid enough reason?

yes? so they just wanted to say boners name and nothing else?

I'm hoping they realize that the "walk" turns to "don't walk" about halfway through someone getting across in any that there's enough time for people who've begun to get across before the light turns red on them & the other turns green.

HahaYDI 0

Rule number one: cardio. Good idea to lose the weight now. If I learned anything from Zombieland it's that the fatties are the first to go.

just don't I am giving you a chance here