Addams Family Values

By Anonymous - 12/12/2020 07:56 - Germany - Zittau

Today, I heard my mom say to the dogs, "Are you hungry? Do you want something tasty out of the garbage can?" Don’t worry though, she probably only meant the one in our garden, where she keeps the deer heads. FML
I agree, your life sucks 747
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is an FML for the dogs. Your mom should keep the deer heads in your fridge where they can stay fresh and watch you. (I think I just invented a great weight-loss plan.)

"Honey, go fetch a severed deer head from the garbage can! Don't worry about the neighbors, they club baby seals for fun."


"Honey, go fetch a severed deer head from the garbage can! Don't worry about the neighbors, they club baby seals for fun."

This is an FML for the dogs. Your mom should keep the deer heads in your fridge where they can stay fresh and watch you. (I think I just invented a great weight-loss plan.)