By CreeptacularBait - 27/05/2018 19:00

Today, after over a month of running to lose weight, I can’t walk without crying from the shooting pain in my legs. My husband is upset that I won’t go to the grocery store, make his lunch, or go hiking with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 534
You deserved it 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry, I don't know much about this but are you sure you're doing it right? It might be worth consulting a doctor or someone because I don't think you are supposed to react like that. Unless you really pushed yourself to the extremes yesterday but you shouldn't be feeling like that each day. I don't know, shooting pains from after running sounds wrong, maybe consult a sports therapist from a gymn or something.

Your goal is admirable, but you are going about it all wrong. They always say "consult your doctor before starting an exercise program" for a reason -- to prevent eager beavers like you from hurting yourself out of ignorance. Exercise helps, but your diet is the most important thing to change to achieve weight loss.


Sorry, I don't know much about this but are you sure you're doing it right? It might be worth consulting a doctor or someone because I don't think you are supposed to react like that. Unless you really pushed yourself to the extremes yesterday but you shouldn't be feeling like that each day. I don't know, shooting pains from after running sounds wrong, maybe consult a sports therapist from a gymn or something.

Sounds like a really nasty case of shin splints. I’ve had them for over a decade. They really really suck. Sorry OP. Hope they get better

Your goal is admirable, but you are going about it all wrong. They always say "consult your doctor before starting an exercise program" for a reason -- to prevent eager beavers like you from hurting yourself out of ignorance. Exercise helps, but your diet is the most important thing to change to achieve weight loss.

Ya, Coz that's where women belong, in the kitchen! Doing the dishes and making lunch and washing them clothes! Before all hell breaks loose, I was being sarcastic you dum wits ! And OP, you need to file for divorce as soon as your transformation is complete, as they say those who don't support you at your worst don't deserve you at your best!

ncparry 18

I hope you are doing a full warm up and pacing shouldn’t be in pain!

Lobby_Bee 17

You gotta let your muscles rest and regenerate new muscles. You can hurt yourself more if you exercise when you actually need rest. Or try biking, it is much less strain on your joints.

Donut_Wizard 23

Look into getting running shoes that prevent pronation. Might help a lot. That and a hot bath. When exercising something that you don’t normally do, especially running, start off slow, then build of speed and distance over time. Also stretch before and after. Then after a few months of progress, proceed to put your well toned foot up your husbands ass.

After a month you really shouldn’t be hurting like this unless you took a break and then pushed yourself too far yesterday. Take it easy and switch to rowing or biking for a while to give your shins and knees some rest. Also check in with your doctor to make sure something else isn’t going on... and make sure you wear running shoes while running - normal tennis shoes don’t have the right support! Best of luck and I hope you feel better.

So let's get this straight. Every day, you go running to the point where it hurts to make you cry but you can't go grocery shopping? Maybe stop wearing your legs out and prioritize the things that sustain your life first?

It doesn't take too much running to get shin splints

Well you most likely caused yourself injury. I'd say you've caused tendinitis of some kind, or inflammation of your tendons. You may have also caused stress fractures to your bones. Keep in mind that your skeleton is actually constantly being reshaped depending on the stresses it experiences. If you've gone from a mostly sedentary lifestyle into a fairly active one your bones aren't built up to deal with the stress. It can cause micro fractures that cause intense pain and may even require medical attention. They weaken the bone and make it more likely to break, so I'd advise getting to a doctor quickly. While there consult your doctor on an acceptable exercise plan instead of jumping in blindly. Personally my doctor recommended that I start at 2 minutes of exercise a day and work my way up a minute a day. It can be jumping jacks, biking, crunches, push-ups, ect. The point is to add in exercise gradually to prevent instances such as this.