By rainydays79 - 23/01/2010 19:12 - United States

Today, I realized that I am the only one among my group of friends who names their bowel movements. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 432
You deserved it 60 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Among your group of friends? You really think your soloness is exclusive to that group? I think you're probably just straight up alone there

Do you cry after flushing away your friends?


christa953 12

wtf is wrong with you?? I don't think you deserve friends

these "im a loser, pity me" FMLs are driving me ******* crazy

skullbashd 3

correction- you are the only person in the WORLD who names their bowel movements

MaeeFlowers 0

#149 Your comment made me laugh. and seriously? Why would you think it wired that they don't? YOU'RE THE FREAK IN THIS SITUATION. I hope your friends never find out.

OwN3d3d 0

i think u may be the only one in the world that does that o.O

EvilCupcake8361 9

Your roommate put up an FML for this, OP.

Completely agree with you. wtf. thats so disgusting

You're probably the only person in Pennsylvania who names your bowel movements.

ClaireXX 0

well... everyone has quirks. I have never heard of this one, but everyone has a strange habit or two. Don't feel bad. :)

a strange habit? it's plain gross to name your dumps.

CyclonePsycho 1

Uhh, you did it wrong, it's supposed to be 3 c's... I'll fix it so the combo is actually broken. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!

C-C-C-COMBRO FIX (it's the bro way) twelfth

CyclonePsycho 1
girlygirl666 0

My next one is gonna be "rainydays79"....

HeresReality 0

I agree with #5 why did you even bring this up? perhaps you should have just posted "I'm retarded FML"

wandaax03 0

i just got done dropping midas 22 in the big porcelain bowl and in five minutes will be pushing out a load that i am probably gonna name the punisher because i ate peanuts earlier.

actually nvm, i had to name it "the slippery satan" because instead of being solid it was liquid fire

that is soo nasty but the names, they are ******* hilarious!

Among your group of friends? You really think your soloness is exclusive to that group? I think you're probably just straight up alone there

Horney4her69 0

your group is the whole world population on this one.

GermanKat 1