By rainydays79 - 23/01/2010 19:12 - United States

Today, I realized that I am the only one among my group of friends who names their bowel movements. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 431
You deserved it 60 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Among your group of friends? You really think your soloness is exclusive to that group? I think you're probably just straight up alone there

Do you cry after flushing away your friends?


Dude, you are the only person I have ever heard of doing that. EVER! Not only that but how the hell does that subject come up in the course of even slightly twisted conversation? Beware of the men in the nice, white suits, they are coming to take you away.

yusaku02 20

I sure hope that your not into scrapbooking them.

you're the only one in the WORLD who does that!=S

Not so #109! Me and my friends have a naming system. Spiky, ninja, hagrid, sticky.......

JoeBentley 0

I simply never understand people who post FMLs that are nothing more then things they do to themselves. You name your bowel movements and this fact disturbs you. THEN STOP NAMING THEM YOU BLITHERING MORON! What’s the big damn mystery? What part of this do you need to someone to spell out for you? The solution to the problem is inherent in the problem. I mean seriously WTF? Grow up and learn the difference between venting and whining you sad little sack of neurosis and stupid.

Sooo i believe you should correct that from your group of friends to the whole world. wtf who names there poops what is this south park with Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo !?!?! LMFAO