Had any calls lately?

By Anonymous - 17/10/2019 06:00

Today, I noticed that all 200 remaining business cards out of the 500 that I had made have the wrong phone number on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 802
You deserved it 1 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some things should be triple-checked and this most certainly is one of them.


Some things should be triple-checked and this most certainly is one of them.

why wouldn't you have noticed that right off? ydi

Hey, at least your phone bill must be nice and low!

Wadlaen 23

That explains why no one has called..!😮

Whenever I've had business cards made I provided the information and confirmed it was all correct before sending in. Then when the cards arrived I checked everything was right again just in case of a misprint or some other issue with the cards. Definitely a YDI, either you gave the wrong info or failed to check what you paid for.