By anonymouschicka - 01/08/2009 19:20 - United States

Today, I finished doing a resume that I had spent three hours on. I e-mailed it to the business I was applying for, satisfied. I decided to look it over. The first thing I notice, I spelt my own name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 254
You deserved it 54 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moleSG 6

That's why you look it over BEFORE sending it. Sorry, but YDI.

oh look, I found another homoretardis in its natural habitat trolling and giving the most dumbass YDI remarks.... what a hideous sight!


moleSG 6

That's why you look it over BEFORE sending it. Sorry, but YDI.

Don't worry, you can still qualify for a position in Obama's administration.

...Not to mention, "Spelt" is not a word

mrlucky4444 0

Get ur ass back to kindergarten

delfinofrank 0
lmmmr 0

I don't understand how people can have such issues with resumes. How hard is it to type one page clearly and correctly?

Seriously, especially when it's something this important. As the English teachers OF MY ENTIRE LIFE have said "ALWAYS READ IT AT LEAST ONCE MORE." Also everybody, spelt IS a word. Look it up, jackasses.[2] It's a little something called ALTERNATIVE SPELLING... you know, kind of like "color" vs "colour"? Or, more closely, "smelled" vs "smelt"? Not everyone uses the same damn words and spellings. Pick up a book some time.. And about the plant part... I suppose then that makes rape not verb either? Twats.

From the Merriam Webster site. Date: before 12th century

Doesn't mean it is not a word, nor that it is still not in use.

emmaphant 0

From the Merriam-Webster website: chiefly British past and past participle of spell Way to be looking at the wrong definition.

dany_luvs_music 0

wow haha i did that once, but it always happens that i get a feeling i should look over my work AFTER i send or turn it in.

oh look, I found another homoretardis in its natural habitat trolling and giving the most dumbass YDI remarks.... what a hideous sight!