By wat_dafuq_bro - 06/05/2013 06:06

Today, I ran into my ex-girlfriend. Being the mature one, I went up to her and said, "Hey, how's it going?" She maced me and kept walking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 488
You deserved it 11 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really? She hit you with a mace? Where does one buy a big spiked iron ball on a stick these days? I could really use one.

You should put her number on Craigslist


btracy619 23

The mature one wouldn't do anything. If your break-up was bad enough that she would just mace you like that, clearly it isn't wise to try to talk to her, maturity is knowing when to keep your mouth shut.

8313girl 28

The smartest thing I've seen anyone post. I wouldn't want to run into any of my exes and for good reason. I wouldn't mace them but I pray that I never see any of them again in life.

You kinda deserve it OP, trying to make small talk with Exes is almost always a bad idea. Especially if it was a bad breakup or you find out the other is a psycho. If you didn't know she was psycho before, you do now so in a way you still dodged a bullet... try dodging the mace next time.

While I agree that talking to exes is bad, OP didn't deserve to be assaulted.

finch01 18

nope havent forgiving yet

That is assault plain and simple. I saw this happen to a guy in real life. A guy was ARGUING with his GF and it never got physical, not even close to it. She maced him out of anger and was soon after arrested.

You should've given her the old ovary punch!!

While you absolutely didn't deserve to be maced, I still don't think it was a good idea to go up and talk to her. People generally become exes because they don't want to have each other in their lives anymore.

I'd file assault charges against her.

Geez she's an idiot. I try to actively ignore my exes but if I saw one, I'd at least be an adult and say hi if they said something to me first. You dodged a bullet with this one. No rational person maces someone for talking to them