By dukemisery - 28/11/2016 12:23 - Hong Kong - Central District

Today, my ex-girlfriend called saying she wants to get back together because of how mature and sincere I sounded last night. I despise her and I was drunk last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 032
You deserved it 3 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the many reasons why you shouldn't drunk-dial. Unless you meant you were speaking to her in person last night. In that case, why the hell were you hanging out with someone you "despise"? Either way, you're still responsible for the things that the drunk version of you did/said. If she got the wrong idea from drunk-you about getting back together, YDI.

How fun. Drunk version you wasn't acting a total knob despite despising her, so that Must mean you like her still.


dakid87 10

Drunk words are really sober thoughts

Wizardo 33

Sounds like the more absinthe minded you are, the better you are to your ex.

bruhhhhhhh 14

Lots of things we don't mean come out when we're drunk but in all seriousness if you don't like her tell her before she thinks she still has a chance

Pretty sure she already thinks that haha

One of the many reasons why you shouldn't drunk-dial. Unless you meant you were speaking to her in person last night. In that case, why the hell were you hanging out with someone you "despise"? Either way, you're still responsible for the things that the drunk version of you did/said. If she got the wrong idea from drunk-you about getting back together, YDI.

How fun. Drunk version you wasn't acting a total knob despite despising her, so that Must mean you like her still.

Or, assuming he didn't drunk dial her, they ran into one another at an event and he was just in a happy mood? Possibly over not dating someone he hates? People say things all the time when they're drunk that don't necessarily have to be secret truths.

two types of people who tell the truth kids and drunk people accept it OP deep down you may still have feelings for her

Despising someone you were once with seems like a terribly strong emotion. Unless she cheated or did something equally horrible, I don't really understand it.

Actually, sometimes it's easier to switch from one strong feeling to another than to chance to a moderate feeling, no matter how irrational. For instance I can't get really mad at someone unless they're really close to me.

Wow she sounds insane. What a crazy bitch.

You deserved it and more - you can't play with people's feelings. Being drunk is a crap excuse!

something inside you wanted contact with her. You don't have to get back with her, tell her she is right, you have become more mature and come to the conclusion that you are better off without her. Take care OP