By ThisGuy97 - 12/08/2011 20:46 - United States

Today, I pulled a muscle. Not in any kind of sport or exercise, but while reaching for my computer mouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 938
You deserved it 32 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments


And the spider holds your cigarette, right? I think I'm figuring it all out.


Typing all that would make me pull a muscle

YDI. Maybe it's time for a little excerise?

What he didn't tell you is how he watched his character die slowly. That's the real fml.

You gotta start out slow...keyboard before mouse maybe?

To be fair, that was a pretty heavy mouse.

NRA_advocate 5

What a little bitch trying working a physical job in 105-125 degree heat and pulling a hamstring and still having to work because pain or not you have bills suck it up and grow a pair

raelynn00 4

She must hav some good finger muscles ;)