By Anonymous - 18/08/2015 22:55 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, I am two months pregnant. Being super hormonal, I was crying about how much I was crying. My husband put his arms around me to comfort me, and I sobbed so hard that I threw up all over him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 374
You deserved it 3 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As an experienced father of a child whose mother had borderline hyperemesis gravidarum, I pity you and your husband. However trust me when I say it's all truly worth it in the end. My wife would agree. On a lighter note, tell your husband you're just preparing him for baby puke. ;)

Being pregnant is really tough I'm sure he understands


Being pregnant is really tough I'm sure he understands

More like FHisL... But I'm so sorry): I know pregnancy can be so hard on a woman and the hormones are the worst. It will be over soon and you'll have an amazing son/daughter. I wish you two the best of luck♡

As an experienced father of a child whose mother had borderline hyperemesis gravidarum, I pity you and your husband. However trust me when I say it's all truly worth it in the end. My wife would agree. On a lighter note, tell your husband you're just preparing him for baby puke. ;)

People show affection in strange ways...

it seems like you have a great supporting husband. I hope the other 7 months will go smooth for you two. congrats on the pregnancy aswell


It may not seem funny now, but it will be hilarious some day.

koganti 18

first of all,congratulations for being pregnant... take care...:)

That's probably the least he's worried about while dealing with a pregnant wife

I'm sorry :( been there. It will get better! Congrats on the baby!

Hey, he might as well get used to getting thrown up on.