F is for Family

By pissed - 12/10/2020 04:59

Today, I came home to find my husband’s disgusting pig of a sister let herself in while we were at work and decided to take a nap in our bed. Not only did she not ask to visit, she left a huge smelly period stain on my favorite sheets. No apology, no attempt to clean up. I didn’t give her a key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 768
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No problem. She’s guilty of breaking and entering. And destruction of private property. If your husband sides with her then I’d take a close look at your marriage. Nobody can take advantage of you without your permission.

tounces7 27

So that's when you call the police and have her arrested. There is no reason whatsoever to allow her to break into your home and get away with it.


No problem. She’s guilty of breaking and entering. And destruction of private property. If your husband sides with her then I’d take a close look at your marriage. Nobody can take advantage of you without your permission.

tounces7 27

So that's when you call the police and have her arrested. There is no reason whatsoever to allow her to break into your home and get away with it.

Make your husband buy you a new mattress and replace your favorite sheets. If he wants to share your house with his filthy sister, he should pay to keep your standard of living the same. Unless he's really rich, this will cause him enough pain to divert her to the nearest sty when she gets sleepy.

I do. One set just feels so much better than the others.

depending on weather, sheets can make all the difference when trying to sleep.

Chandl3r 9

I have a favourite pair of clothes, I call em my comfy clothes. I love them and they're great. People can have the same for anything really.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

a lot of people have a favorite thing, it's normal and truly not a topic worthy of thinking too deeply about 😂

Are you the only one authorised to hand out keys? Obviously your husband gave her a key. It’s his house too isn’t it? I think the two of you need to sit down and have a long discussion. I sense there’s tension in your marriage.

Hailstorm92 11

Burn the mattress an have a long talk with your husband. He should have told you that his sister had a key an how she got it. Or don’t sleep in the same bed with him until he fixes the entire situation