By ThisGuy97 - 12/08/2011 20:46 - United States

Today, I pulled a muscle. Not in any kind of sport or exercise, but while reaching for my computer mouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 938
You deserved it 32 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kings1fan 6

Hahaha sounds like my cousin!

2riteluvonherarm 0

I'm not going to say it, but I believe you.

wow... good thing you don't play a sport bc you would've have a muscle in your body if you did.... what a wuss

canddyass 0
tyty22796 0

you are so lazy, get off your ass and do something.

u pulled a muscle on fapping?? .. how did u explain that to the doctor?

SpezJMB 0