By Sayahh - 07/01/2017 08:07

Today, I pulled a muscle at work doing a cartwheel. I was doing the cartwheel to prove to one of my students that adults can do cartwheels too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 628
You deserved it 3 238

Same thing different taste


Where do you work where the the question of whether or not adults can do a cartwheel? The only idea that would come to mind would be an elementary school or a gymnastics school, if it's a school, it's still weird but okay. If you're a gymnastics teacher and can't do a cartwheel...well, that's another issue

<p>I teach pre-k, so it was a 5 yr old... lol we were on the playground</p>

<p>"There comes a time in your life where your body tells your mind, 'Don't put your butt over your head'." - Gallagher</p>

<p>"There comes a time in your life where your body tells your mind, 'Don't put your butt over your head'." - Gallagher</p>

Congrats! You managed to accomplish the very tricky feat of proving a negative!