By hypebeast - 28/01/2009 15:00 - United States

Today, I posted on a forum asking if I could be a moderator. Instead, I got banned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 066
You deserved it 32 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCart_fml 0

Hahahaha you broke the first rule of power: never ask for power!

0 3

Yeah... and? That is exactly what happens. Asking if you can be a moderator is basically spam.


IKickPuppiesHard 16

Unless he was spamming in order to get the point across then the request could have been ignore. Banning is a misuse of power for that situation. He deserved to lose his position. In my opnion of course.

Hey guys, can I be a mod? Do you see how stupid that sounds, OP?

McLovin12213 3

One does not simply ask to be a moderator.

TrackGirl19 29

It's called gaming ethics.. learn them.

are you ******* stupid? OF COURSE YOU GOT BANNED

I really wished fml had the option to take away your vote because I accidentally hit the I agree rather than ydi. you never ask to be admin/mod on ANYTHING. it's annoying as hell and you won't get it, you have to work for that power. by asking you're just setting yourself back.