By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 02:52 - United States

Today, I parked my car on the street to go to the gym. When I came back my car was blocked by a parade of people. I turned to a shop worker smoking a cigarette and said "Jesus! What the hell is going on?" I got many strange looks. It was a Good Friday parade lead by a local church. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 809
You deserved it 47 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SpunkT 0

Awesome. Also, can we seriously knock that "FIRST!!!OMG I"M AWESOME CAUSE I CHECK WEBSITES SO OFTEN I CAN COMMENT BEFORE ANYONE ELSE LOOK HOW COOL I AM HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" crap out? Or can FML just delete those comments? I know other sites just go through and delete stupid "FIRST" comments. Even if you say something else after you're a total douche. We can see that you're first. You're not cool. Go outside.

I will never understand why people go to parades. If it wasn't for the candy when I was younger I would have shot myself. Hopefully they let you out.


jman0116 0

-Perfect- choice of words. I hope you backed out your car anyway and ruined their parade.

Hey #4 and #83, why don't you go try that then in about a month or 2 I will visit you in prison while laughing at your mutated faces. I'll laugh at your families too as they will be crying. Not because you guys are in prison but because they forgot to use a condom and they now have a dumbass for a son who is now in prison. OP, why don't you pull down your pants and stop playing with your asshole, asshole?

WTF r u talkin about 84, you just insulted them with no motive. real genius there.

lolgirlLM 0

First off 84 way to go insulting stupidity with more stupidity. And number 4? How dare you, you don't know these people and that's just a hate filled comment , I'm not hating on anyone else's personal or religious beliefs so why don't you do the world a favor and keep it to yourself because obviously you are just hateful and ignorant.

I will never understand why people go to parades. If it wasn't for the candy when I was younger I would have shot myself. Hopefully they let you out.

SpunkT 0

Awesome. Also, can we seriously knock that "FIRST!!!OMG I"M AWESOME CAUSE I CHECK WEBSITES SO OFTEN I CAN COMMENT BEFORE ANYONE ELSE LOOK HOW COOL I AM HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" crap out? Or can FML just delete those comments? I know other sites just go through and delete stupid "FIRST" comments. Even if you say something else after you're a total douche. We can see that you're first. You're not cool. Go outside.

SSC_fml 0

#7, trust me I have been first and my post got deleted because of somebody like you, don't ruin it for others, obviously you haven't been first... It's exciting. Anyway, dude that was definitely and interesting choice of words right next to a church :P YDI.

I woud've said the EXACT same thing

SSC_fml 0

Oops, sorry so it wasn't next to a church, well that's still pretty funny ^_^;