By conchita - 10/02/2010 01:16 - United States

Today, I panicked when I felt a hard bump on the side of my stomach. I thought I had appendicitis. Turns out it was my ab muscles. I've been overweight so long I didn't know what they felt like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 390
You deserved it 27 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your FML is that you lost fat and/or gained muscle?

I think the idea of the FML is that she has been way too fat for too long. Still does sound like fishing for a compliment, but I'll obligue since it made me giggle: Congratulations on being able to find your ab muscles OP !!!


Why does there have to be a debate? You totally deserve it man, good for you! Can be hard to lose weight.

why is this a FML? you took the time to get in shape stop complaining

I had appendicitis before. it really sucked and I can tell why you were worried. but if you are fat, then...I suggest you know your own body a little better.

No idea, I mean, wouldn't that be a GOOD thing? (:

I would think that would be under though, I mean, the regular weight?