By conchita - 10/02/2010 01:16 - United States

Today, I panicked when I felt a hard bump on the side of my stomach. I thought I had appendicitis. Turns out it was my ab muscles. I've been overweight so long I didn't know what they felt like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 390
You deserved it 27 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your FML is that you lost fat and/or gained muscle?

I think the idea of the FML is that she has been way too fat for too long. Still does sound like fishing for a compliment, but I'll obligue since it made me giggle: Congratulations on being able to find your ab muscles OP !!!


I have low body percentage and anyone can see my six pack if I take my shirt off. I am stating this because there should be no lump on the side of your stomach. On the side of your stomach should be your ribs, and the lower part there shouldn't be any lumps whatsoever. Clearly this fml is fake and makes no sense, or this chick has a lump on the side of her stomach.

Believe me, if you had appendicitis you'd probably be crying. I practically couldn't move the whole way to the ER before the operation, because it is VERY painful. -.-

catkat1988 17

Lack of fever and severe pain usually indicate that you don't have appendicitis. But congrats on your newfound abs... ;-) Can't really see what the fml is here, though. I'd be celebrating if I could feel mine again.

Um, you lost weight. You're now muscular. STFU, your life seems fine. lol

fyi people not everyone gets the same symptoms for appendisitis i had it and i only got a stabbing pain i was walking around up until my surgary and i wasnt sick before hand. no one in my family had all the symptoms our stumics only hurt when someone or something touched them.

Well boo fuckity hoo. You have ab muscles! You're a ******* idiot for posting this on this website. Losing weight and gaining muscle is not a "**** my life" situation! You're a ******* moron OP.

Splayd 10

I thought the "FML" moniker was a bit of a misnomer, because it's not actually about one's entire life being horrible, but rather, about a single, inconvenient, painful, unfortunate, embarrassing or otherwise undesirable occurrence.

Rainhawk94 27

You're disgusting. I hope you lose weight