By Crazy09 - 08/04/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that she had an ultrasound tomorrow morning. With a confused look on my face, she said to me, "Don't worry, it's not yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 122 367
You deserved it 6 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Maybe she's a surrogate mother and forgot to tell you?

theshewolf 0

Ultrasounds can be used for things other than pregnancy.


adelaide_evening 0

Maybe she's a surrogate mother and forgot to tell you?

Oi ve fyl for sure. Don't ub kinda feel bad for the op?

subiedude08 17

Also it doesn't say how long they have been dating. Maybe she got pregnant from a previous boyfriend and just found out; it's happened to others before

Allornone 35
theshewolf 0

Ultrasounds can be used for things other than pregnancy.

molly_beee 0

Yeah..i had to get an ultrasound for my kidneys!!

lurkerman999 0

Well at least you don't have to worry!

ha. haha. that sucks but i suppose you can't have a silver lining without a cloud, now can you?

MiriamSingsLoud 0

Typically you know you're pregnant for a while before you need an ultrasound, so she could have told you. Did she seriously just think you weren't going to notice?

Kai21 0

She could have easily just found out she was pregnant. I'm about 10 weeks pregnant, found out when I was 8 weeks, & had my first ultra sound 3 days later. Sometimes a woman will have a "period" when she's pregnant whichmy throw her off a little. I mean this lady probably did know sooner, but I just wanted to let you know.

No, some women get dating ultrasounds after they find out. The anatomy scans later on in the pregnancy are not very accurate for dating the pregnancy.

kwbuzz23wk 0

I don't understand. That sounds like good news to me. The FML would have been if it was your kid!