By conchita - 10/02/2010 01:16 - United States

Today, I panicked when I felt a hard bump on the side of my stomach. I thought I had appendicitis. Turns out it was my ab muscles. I've been overweight so long I didn't know what they felt like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 390
You deserved it 27 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your FML is that you lost fat and/or gained muscle?

I think the idea of the FML is that she has been way too fat for too long. Still does sound like fishing for a compliment, but I'll obligue since it made me giggle: Congratulations on being able to find your ab muscles OP !!!


blingblingbling 0
thedivinecomeD 0

I recently lost alot of wieght and am now so ripped I surprised myself. FML

cupcakexlolita 0 is a fml because apparently your an idiot for thinking a bump is related to appendicitis...there's no bump or lumps or anything..just excruciating pain

mckkayua 0

good for you for losing the weight :)

Something similar happened to me a couple years ago. I found a lump on my lower abdomen and thought it might be ovarian cancer/cysts. I stressed over it for days before finally getting it examined. Turns out it was just a swollen lymph gland. I felt like such an idiot.

You're one of those assholes that has to passive-aggressively assert yourself to others, aren't you? This story isn't about how you were fat - it's about how you're thin now. You just wanted to brag about it. Seriously, how is that an FML? Not to mention: hard bump = appendicitis? Read much?

Oh my. This is far far far away from an FML, i'm glad you lost weight, but you were either bragging, over-exaggerating over 5-10 pounds or you seriously think that a hard bump on the side of your stomach is appendicitis, either way this was not an FML.

OIF_my_life 0

So you're not a lardass anymore, thats a good thing!!! And if you had appendicitis you'd know it, it is extremely painful