By conchita - 10/02/2010 01:16 - United States

Today, I panicked when I felt a hard bump on the side of my stomach. I thought I had appendicitis. Turns out it was my ab muscles. I've been overweight so long I didn't know what they felt like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 391
You deserved it 27 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your FML is that you lost fat and/or gained muscle?

I think the idea of the FML is that she has been way too fat for too long. Still does sound like fishing for a compliment, but I'll obligue since it made me giggle: Congratulations on being able to find your ab muscles OP !!!


So your FML is that you lost fat and/or gained muscle?

Why is every assuming that OP is fat? Being overweight and being obese are two different things. Having 5 extra pounds can be considered overweight. If 5 extra pounds is fat, you've got image issues.

wazdog 4

Overweight could mean she's just 5 pounds overweight; it could also mean she looks like a hippo. Fat is a safe assumption.

They assume she's fat because she doesn't know what her abs feel like...that means there has been some serious addition to her mid section.

yeah, maybe he just lost a lot of weight and can feel feel his abs once more. be positive.

AngryNinja 1

at least you have abs now? no reason to **** your life.

Rocco1990 you're a dumbass. if you're "overweight" or "obese" it's all still fits under the category of "fat"

I'm 5'4" 130, and I have no idea what my ab muscles feel like since every ounce of fat I have gathers at my waist. My doctor says I could stand to lose about ten pounds, but I would personally consider myself 'average sized'. However, I know a lot of girls I worked with thought I was fat. This person could be any weight, and that weight could gather around their middle making them look/feel pudgy. Or, hell, they could be hugely obese. Instead of worrying about making assumptions and guessing what they look like, we could just be civil to everyone regardless. That might be too tough, though. We're probably better with the whole 'don't assume' route.

dude... if you had appendicitis, you won't just feel a "bumb"... you wil be very sick for a few days, then your side will have a searing hard, sharp pain. Trust me, you will know. it's hell, I've had it.

yungjct 0

if the OP didn't know what her muscles felt like she must have been pretty overweight. also known as "fat".

more importantly, why are you holding that guitar upside-down?

littlelemur 2

maybe she's left-handed? as long as she restrung and retuned it, no biggie...

I'm going for the Hendrix look. Well, also, it's a brand new (well, brand new to me - thrift shop) guitar, which is why the strings are all wrong. But, yeah, left handed guitarists make some of the best music, don't you know?

if the OP couldn't feel their abs, thet probably were obese dumbass

michael32123 0

if any of the above commenters read this please feel as tho a god has corrected you. learn to read assclowns. the OP said "I've been overweight so long I didn't know what they felt like" implying that she WAS overweight and now she has lost weight and gained muscle. dumb ***** (excluding #1)

michael32123 0

if any of the above commenters read this please feel as tho a god has corrected you. learn to read assclowns. the OP said "I've been overweight so long I didn't know what they felt like" implying that she WAS overweight and now she has lost weight and gained muscle. dumb ***** (excluding #1)

I like that everyone assumed that I grossly insulted the OP when I only stated that her post suggested that she lost fat and/or gained muscle. "Lost fat" is not the same thing as "You are a fatass."

yeah im 5 ft 3 and 135 pounds i have abs... i used to be over weight, but i joined basketball and started to get really serious in it and now im all muscle . :) . Way to go for losing weight :), I'm proud .

outside_dinosaur 0

no, the OP means that she lost alot of weight, but had been obese for quite some time, now she can feel her ab muscles

kmiks411 0

did you just congratulate yourself for losing weight on fml? really?

cadillacgal79 32

Like 48, I'm only a half an inch taller than her but I'm 117, my weight gathers at my middle too. I don't know what my abs feel like but I'm happy with in my opinion being averaged sized.

You lost weight and gained muscle. How is that a FML?

just cus the op noticed something doesn't mean she's lost weight. interpret it correctly please. like come on honestly! she/he is still FAT. sorry to the op btw. I bet you have a beautiful inside. (soul)

No evidence to suggest that the OP is still fat, just that she was fat for a while. Also, you typically don't feel ab muscles as being hard if you are fat.

prettybrwneyes16 0

this isn't an fml, you should be happy you're getting your body back to looking good.

I think the idea of the FML is that she has been way too fat for too long. Still does sound like fishing for a compliment, but I'll obligue since it made me giggle: Congratulations on being able to find your ab muscles OP !!!

EV34 6

it was probably not muscle but hardened fat lol

FYL. Abdomen muscles appearing must suck, I know every living being finds those muscles disgusting.

wow I really hate fat ppl. eat less!! or just more proper!!! exercise!!! don't be lazy!!! gross!

it's actually a Lot harder than that. if you've been eating right and excersizing from birth no shit it's easy to maintain that, but if you've been fat, and your body has adjusted to a lazy lifestyle, it's hard to Kick habits. it feels equivalent to quitting smoking brcause all your will power disappears. not to mention if your fat as **** you need to burn all the weight off instead of just straight off putting on muscle. **** you.

@ #8.… :) he/she is flucking ignorant what a chunt bass britch.

Haha it got moderated. So owned you look crazy didn't why does the thing allow for btw and op but not for the abrevration of people. That's dense. I'd like an explainstion though please, carrot top?

stop making excuses and do the work. typing on the keyboard/ phone infront of you is not helping go try a run.

dude, did i say I was a ******* lard ass no, I watch oprah so leave me the **** alone you ignorant teat.

ummm some of them can't help it... slow matabilism ( don't ******* correct me I no I can't spell ) or thiroid problems. learn to b more tolerent of people

bluesclues72 0

Wow, you call the OP lazy when you can't even type full words like an educated person. And for the record I like Snickerdoodles. I weigh 199.6 pounds and I am a 12 year old girl,(yes, I know I am too young for FML but I'm mature for my age!) however I am also 5'7". I am overweight but I'm not fat, just a little chubby. Maybe the OP can't control it. Think before you type incorrectly.

No 12 year old girl can be 200 pounds without being a .... FATASS!!! HAHA!

youthink_fml 0

It doesn't matter what your "problem" is. Weight gain is simply eating more calories than you're burning off. Blame it on whatever you want, but it boils down to eating more than you're using. People are just lazy eating machines. Get off your fat asses and do something.

bottom line is this is not an fml and it's funny how people concider an abrevration lazy. if you do you are a moron.

I think shes pretty cool too! (: People are haters though....well, most on here......ahhhhhh well.

I'm not snickerdoodles's biggest fan, but I enjoyed this comment. Everyone calling her an "English Nazi" or whatever should reread it. It makes perfect sense, telling sillypiper not to be judgmental.

no it's not your ab muscle, you fool. its that ****** foetus thats been swimming around in there for the last 10 years but you were just to fat to notice

******* *****, get a real job you slutty dick riding, cum slurping, princessy bitch. seriously if I were you I'd commit mass terrororistic suicide, but instead of muslim shit, we should mix it up a bit and say something like "praise jesus" followed by **** Allah and the Jewish mesiah and tr Scientology alien **** and the flying spaghetti monster

You are not a very nice person are you?! Lol

soo? OH NO!! YOU'VE OVERCOME OBESITY!! Your life is seriously ******!!

Idiot. Do you even know what appendicitis does to you? It makes you sick as a dog. It hurts so bad you can hardly stand up. My brother spent two days walking around bent double because he couldn't stand up straight. And you thought you had it just coz you felt something hard on your stomach. Not to mention, why is the fact you have ab muscles an FML anyway?