By bugnose - 16/05/2011 06:26

Today, I noticed an extremely large bug buzzing around my room. After several attempts, I stomped on it with my shoe. I was trying to get a closer look at my victory when it flew into my nostril. Turns out it was just playing dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 932
You deserved it 9 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you must have an extremely large nostril.


you must have an extremely large nostril.

Should of double tapped it's insect ass.

this is only the begging, soon the bugs are gonna take over. I warned you all but you didn't listen *maniacal laughter*

thatbitch99 0

The OP (Of the FML) Totally deserved this. Everyone knows not to do those kinds of insane stunts around bugs.

zendaddy0 0

yah what's all the BUZZ about

rallets 22

he wanted a closer look because he was nosey :P

mattmadden 0

No the Chinese are gonna take over.

thatbitch99 0

Why would anyone do a crazy stunt like that? YDI.

This2Rudy 7

you always double tap, op, have you seen zombieland?

staceysgenesis16 0

you should have made sure it was dead! smash that bitch twice.

robotiick 12
jacobepaps12345 0

to enjoy the look of the splattered bug and all the guts ... or is it just me who does that ...

PurpleRae420 0

To maybe see what kind of bug it was lol I'm guessing it wasn't poisonious otherwise how would you be writing this FML if you were dead!

Hayman68 4

because OP was a girl and she thought she finally did something useful besides making a sandwich.

iSitt 0

it was the dreaded Snot Bugger. it drills into your brain then makes your crawl into the sewer.

metfanatic1986 0

Yeah haha! It's like killing a zombie. Ever heard of "double-tap"?

BUG: 1 OP: 0 Will there be a grudge match?! Let's find out...

DaiCarmuhh 6

it must have really been bugging him ;)

all i see is u like **** yea start eyeing the bug then it flys up and gos into your nostril yelling ******

haha ******* awesome comment man haahahahaha lol

FunnyGuy5051 7

That or sniff some drugs so he either dies or HIIIGH

Pownzeez 0
Nikkitaria 9

That's awful. I hate when I'm going to bed and I hear a mosquito buzzing near me. You just know you'll wake up with a swollen face.

now snort some meth to make bug get high, sooner or later it will fly out

metfanatic1986 0

yeah. that'll help the problem!