By Anonymous - 02/04/2017 14:00

Today, I found out that my crazy stalker got a crazy stalker too. And she's also stalking me. So basically, I'm in some sort of a stalking triangle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 425
You deserved it 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh. Police, before you wind up dead, because I don't see many other endings to this.

Unless you're stalking one of the stalkers, I think you're in more of a 'stalker greater than sign'.


Uh. Police, before you wind up dead, because I don't see many other endings to this.

Unless you're stalking one of the stalkers, I think you're in more of a 'stalker greater than sign'.

That second stalker is cashing in on a great two-for-one deal. By stalking your stalker, she's getting you as a bonus!

"Every breath you take, every move you make every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching them watching you" Yeah, you might want to think about just leaving the entire country and becoming a hermit somewhere in rural china.

lcupcake 2

Well that's flattering. At least you're highly desirable.

lcupcake 2

Well that's flattering. At least you're highly desirable.

mariri9206 32
Alup132 22

This is when you must out stalk the stalker! Creep them out more than you're creeped out.

cylus13 9

This has the making of one of those B rate horror films that your not sure if it should have not been labeled as ****.

now I'm kinda wondering what I'm missing out on. Where did you say you lived?