By Nice Guy - 29/10/2012 07:55 - United States - San Diego

Today, I noticed a rather small man being harassed by a rather large man, so I tried to help out and break it up. The small guy punched me in the face and said, "Mind your business!" The large guy laughed and fist-bumped him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 706
You deserved it 5 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobpwn12321 6

They could have been friends messing around...

I would've smacked him in the face and said "I thought you needed a Little help"


SApprentice 34

Punching someone is going too far, so it sucks that he did that to you, OP. I'd have to say you deserve this, though. Maybe it was an actual confrontation, or maybe the two of them were friends. Either way, no man wants to feel like people think he's too small to stick up for himself. It's a condescending feeling, like no one respects them because of their height. If someone is already sensitive about their size, the last thing they want is someone treating them like they're incapable. If the bigger guy had been physically trying to harm or restrain the other man, then sure it's okay to step in, but you shouldn't try to go to someone's rescue just because of their size.

klovemachine 24

But OP shouldn't ignore the situation either. Maybe the OP should've said "is everything ok?" and since everything was alright, he could've just walked away. The punch was uncalled for; hopefully something bad will happen to the stupid short person now (at least I hope it does)

Actually the OP should ignore the situation. It isn't any of his business. You don't get in the middle of two adult men in the midst of an argument unless you are willing to suffer the consequences. People should mind their own selves. If it were children in a bullying situation I could understand; but these are adults. It's none of OP's concern.

Why isn't it OP's concern to make sure that another person didn't potentially get hurt? OP made it their concern, there is nothing wrong with that.

fatcow282 8

I cnt agree. If u was in a fight with some bully who is bigger then me i would really appreciate somebody out. Maybe gone a little more precaitious make sure what happens is actualy happening but u dint do anything wrong the guy is and asshole

soullessgingers 0

Well, at least you stopped the fight, eh?

they sound fun. well, at least they didn't join forces to beat you up..or did they?

Well I guess you helped in an indirect way... So congrats!

fernclogger 5

It sucks that bad things happen to good people on occasion... FYL

5 Bucks says that 11 is actually talking about himself

That was probably a set-up anyway. Sorry to hear that though.