By Anon - 06/06/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I was driving behind a UPS truck. All of a sudden his back door opens up exposing some boxes ready to fall out. Like a good driver I speed up to drive beside him to tell him. He thought I was trying to cut him off so he accelerated. A box flies out and dents my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 948
You deserved it 5 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know some are going to either say "Mind your own business, YDI" or "Sorry to hear about that." I think it was actually nice of you to do what you felt was right. In a normal situation the UPS driver's irresponsibility would've exposed other drivers to potential hazards. Since most of us don't have UPS customer service on speed-dial, there's not much else you could've really done to help. BTW: I won't say "first" like the other losers out there who claim that they do this mainly because they've never been first at anything in life (No joke, one guy said that and caused others in the comments to admit his comment was more FML than the OP's).

How does one go about denting a windshield??? Seriously though, that sucks. FYL.


I know some are going to either say "Mind your own business, YDI" or "Sorry to hear about that." I think it was actually nice of you to do what you felt was right. In a normal situation the UPS driver's irresponsibility would've exposed other drivers to potential hazards. Since most of us don't have UPS customer service on speed-dial, there's not much else you could've really done to help. BTW: I won't say "first" like the other losers out there who claim that they do this mainly because they've never been first at anything in life (No joke, one guy said that and caused others in the comments to admit his comment was more FML than the OP's).

How does one go about denting a windshield??? Seriously though, that sucks. FYL.

I was thinking the same! Unless someone was trying to mail a concrete block

SdCounty33 0

ya I've never seen a dent on a piece of glass.

lifeasweknewit 0

Wow FYL. Just trying to help and you get a dented car!

Wow. Dented glass. You, sir, have an amazing vehicle. You should call your manufacturer and thank them. They've sold you a prototype.

Windshields have an layer of plastic or something, so it wont fall apart if something hits it. That way it is possible to have a dented windshield.

I don't know why his comment got voted down so much. It's true. They're made to be shatter resistant, so it could crack and warp into a convex shape, or as some may say, a dent.

toaster468 0

bricks obviously would have smashed the windshield!

toaster468 0

and yes, before you all go bitching I DO understand sarcasm.

sooner or later someone will comment on your lack of understanding even though you did explain it and I hate people like that

MusicMan7187 3

A dented windshield? Where the Hell can I get a windshield that gets dented instead of cracked?!

Carrotkidd15 5
kimjonas_fml 0

I would've made him pay for the damages..

lilmun 0

the physics of this font really add up if u were in the lane next to him that must have been like an amazing curve box

Hi_Itz_Me 0

thats exactly what i thought!

the truck driver sped up and probably got in front of the OP.

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

maybe he was about to change lanes and the box fell out of the left side of the truck

heyyou1203 0

a lot of windshields nowadays aren't fully glass like a glass window in your house, but super flexible safety glass. That way they won't totally shatter if hit and have glass shards going everywhere. If you ever see an action movie where the windshield's hit and it just cracks all over but stays as one piece, it's like that. Also, while I did say FYL b/c you really were trying to do a nice thing, depending on what state you're in (say NY or NJ), I would probably think that someone's trying to cut me off in a situation like that, too.

Wow, the comments are written intelligently today. Or well, #1 and #9. Nice thing to do, but I agree with #9 completely. I would've thought the same thing.