By Tonguetied0496 - 10/12/2012 07:21 - United States - Claremont

Today, I met my girlfriend's father for the first time; he asked me to explain my interest in dating her. In a mix of me trying to say "I want to be with your daughter" and "I want to be in your daughter's life" I got confused and said, "I want to be in your daughter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 875
You deserved it 7 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We all know that's what you were thinking, though. A Freudian slip? I think not. It's better to get it out of your system now anyway, before they invite you over for holiday dinner. It's better than blurting out the day after "I enjoyed porking your mom last night." instead of "I enjoyed the pork your mom made last night."


Well, he certainly can't call you a liar. "Prick," or "slimy little punk," yes, but "liar," no.

jarockstar27 10

Freudian slip? Just suggesting..,,

ViviMage 38

I once mixed up "let's get white corn chips, yellow gives me trouble" and "let's by white corn chips, yellow is hard on me." Had much th same result you did!!

chriswright1888 10
perdix 29

Even worse, he said, "Me, too!"

winkydog4056 16

#36_Oh dear. Winky is socked something like THAT could ever be said by perdix. Oh, my virgin ears.

winkydog4056 16

#36_*shocked. Winky was so shocked, she got socked.

"Mary... I desperately wanna make love to a school boy." - Lloyd in Dumb & Dumber Happens to the best of us.

PhishloverA 14

You should've quickly said "in her life!" Or you should've said, as Beavis and Butthead would say, "I want your daughter's hand."

Girlfriend's father "I want you to be my daughter." It also combines "I want you to make her happy " and "I want you to be rich."