By DirtyCharmed - 01/11/2011 06:29 - United States

Today, I'm very ill. My throat and glands are so swollen that whenever I fall asleep, I relax too much and cut off my own air. The doctor said it's a viral infection and there's nothing they can give me, so I can choose between trying to kill myself by sleeping or staying awake for the next few days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 672
You deserved it 2 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you should've consulted another doctor for a different opinion. Still, FYL.

Just go to sleep, the second your throat closes, you will automatically wake up. And if this were truly life or death, you'd be in a hospital, lol.


madz5758 10
WhomCares 2

Try watching Stargate SG-1 [10x02] Morpheus.

Hope you get better soon!! :( Stay strong.

sarahsuperstario 8

Looks like Walmart is gonna be all out of 5 Hour Energy...

they could have given you steroids. that would have helped.

You should get an oxygen tube, maybe do some research and ask your doctor about it. People do it in hospitals all the time.

TordNorski 30

I had this too. My mother still tried to make me attend school.

sounds like mono OP. Should get a blood test done.