By DirtyCharmed - 01/11/2011 06:29 - United States

Today, I'm very ill. My throat and glands are so swollen that whenever I fall asleep, I relax too much and cut off my own air. The doctor said it's a viral infection and there's nothing they can give me, so I can choose between trying to kill myself by sleeping or staying awake for the next few days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 672
You deserved it 2 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you should've consulted another doctor for a different opinion. Still, FYL.

Just go to sleep, the second your throat closes, you will automatically wake up. And if this were truly life or death, you'd be in a hospital, lol.


miz_kamakazi 11

I'm surprised the Dr. didn't prescribe something for inflammation.

GeorgiaPeach17 4
MhrxSpear0809 0

Or how about going back to the hospital and make those bastards keep you until it gets better ... They can monitor your sleep unlike normal humans we tend to bore easy ..

mjensen23 3

I get that every year. I go to the doctor and get an anti-inflamatory and an antibiotic called zithromax. It goes away in 6-8 hours.

Can't you just stay at the hospital? I KNOW they HAVE to have somthing to make you breath while you sleep.

wiccanwonderful 5

I'm sorry hun... I'm going through the same thing right now... It sucks ass....

I had a mild case of laryngitus that did the same kind of thing but not so bad. I kept waking up during the night as my throat closed and I couldn't breathe. Hope you feel better ;)

Cant they stick a tube through your mouth to your longs, put you to sleep and let you stay at the hospital.

shaggie101x 5

It's called cocain that will keep you awake :D

sarahsuperstario 8

That would probably just make her sicker.