Lust for life

By Anonymous - 17/02/2023 16:00

Today, thanks to a very intense sexual dream, I suddenly have a strong (and lustful) crush on a coworker, making me gasp every time I see them. I'm happily married. And pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 953
You deserved it 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why___me3 8

Sounds like one of those weird hormone things that happen during pregnancy, as long as you don’t act on them it’ll fade away

Look at it as an intrusive thought and disregard the feeling quickly. Don't even dare to make a move a cheat. maybe try continuing getting busy with your spouse if you aren't. Don't think too much of the dream. It was just a dream. Just don't cheat, please.


Look at it as an intrusive thought and disregard the feeling quickly. Don't even dare to make a move a cheat. maybe try continuing getting busy with your spouse if you aren't. Don't think too much of the dream. It was just a dream. Just don't cheat, please.

Nikki 17
why___me3 8

Sounds like one of those weird hormone things that happen during pregnancy, as long as you don’t act on them it’ll fade away

tiptoppc 19

They say dreams are the gateway to the soul. This one feels like the gateway to divorce. So don’t open that gate!

You're pregnant? It's probably just hormones, then. It's okay, it happens. :) As long as you don't act on it, you're fine lol

mambamami15 2