Shave it off, own it!

By Anonymous - 15/05/2021 22:01 - United States

Today, like any other day for a year, I'm 17 years-old. Today, like any other day, I have my hair styled in a combover because I'm bald. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 019
You deserved it 81

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mine started thinning when I was 15 but wasn't noticeable until I was about 19-20. I feel for you. But I started shaving my head at 23 and have never looked back. It’s cleaner, looks better, and is more comfortable. Combovers don’t fool anyone and make you look like a used car salesman or reality-star turned car salesman.

thatslifeiguess7 16

Bald heads are in for both males and females


Mine started thinning when I was 15 but wasn't noticeable until I was about 19-20. I feel for you. But I started shaving my head at 23 and have never looked back. It’s cleaner, looks better, and is more comfortable. Combovers don’t fool anyone and make you look like a used car salesman or reality-star turned car salesman.

bleachedraven 14

🤣 I'm laughing but I have to agree 🤣

thatslifeiguess7 16

Bald heads are in for both males and females

slkeithh 14

Just shave it, be bald and be proud.

I had the same problem, and trust me when I say have not gotten away with it, and it's best to embrace it! I've been shaving my head since I was 17 (now 36) cos my hair went. It took 2 weeks before everyone was used to it, and I have saved thousands in haircare products, days in time I don't need to take in the morning/getting dressed up, and you will always be in fashion due to the constant stream of sex-symbol actors with a polished dome (Jason Statham, Terry Crewes, Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart, Dwayne Johnson). Yes, it hurts, but having a ridiculous mop flopping around, or wearing a Perma-hat to hide it does not look good. Embrace your Solar-Panel-For-A-Sex-Machine, get some good moisturizer, discover it's really hard for anyone to age you, and never worry about going grey ever again!

pink unicorn 7

save 3000$, go to Istanbul for 3days, enjoy some sightseeing, do your implants and go home. you will then have thé choice of enjoying your hair or shave lt. but at 17, at least give yourself the choice.

Lydmyers 9

You poor thing! 🥺 you will get no hate, sarcasm or negativity from me. Just compassion... I hope you are okay, and other teens aren't being mean to you. chin up, lovely. I can't begin to imagine the anguish and discomfort with your predicament but please believe me when I say that your hair does not define who you are. ❤

Embraced it, shave your head. Buy wicked cool anime wigs or some shit. You sound unhappy, combover isn't doing anything for your happiness so find some way