
By Anonymous - 12/04/2020 20:00

Today, I turned 30. I still can't grow any facial hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 576
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I’m 55. At 40 I went from not being able to grow facial hair to bald. Lol

Wadlaen 23

I turned 30 last summer, and I'm not able to grow a beard either (even spent five weeks in a coma some years ago, and woke up as beardless as I was before), so I know the feeling..


Women don't usually grow facial hair anyway until after menopause, so don't worry!

Women can have facial hair if they have PCOS.

TheNerveOfHer 4

women without PCOs can also grow facial hair

manlove38 23

Feel lucky, mine just comes in patches and the bits that grow together are not very good looking.

Where does it say the writer of FML is Female? I’m a Male. And if this writer is also Male I think he got off lucky. I got tired of having to shave each morning and finally got electrolysis. To make a long story short I DON’T suggest any other Males go this way.

That's the joke, the joke is deliberately assuming the obviously incorrect gender of the OP. You must be real fun at parties


I’m 55. At 40 I went from not being able to grow facial hair to bald. Lol

I feel so sorry for you. It's such a pleasure to buy razors and blades and shaving creams and then scraping my face every morning with a sharp metal blade. And you are missing out on the delight of skipping a day and looking like a dirty, homeless bum. Your FOMO is real.

Wadlaen 23

I turned 30 last summer, and I'm not able to grow a beard either (even spent five weeks in a coma some years ago, and woke up as beardless as I was before), so I know the feeling..

ojoRojo 27

I don’t know, I just don’t see that as a bad thing. You’re saving lots of money and time by not having to shave. And a lot people (myself included) don’t even prefer facial hair. Just roll with it!

WistayShlaio82 13

Are you Native American? I’m half Apache, takes me forever to grow a beard

Matthew Irmen 11

Most women would be very happy!