By NeverCampingAgain - 15/02/2009 00:38 - United States

Today, I looked on my sister's phone. There was a text from her boyfriend: "Let's go camping again, I bought more condoms so we won't make a big mess this time." Last time they went camping, they borrowed my sleeping bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 625
You deserved it 7 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I knew my sister was reading my texts I would tell my boyfriend to send a message exactly like that, she shouldn't be reading my texts, and if she does she's gonna she something she probably doesn't want to.

ze_fml 0

Honestly, you're all putting the guy/girl down because he/she saw a text. But, come on, the stains were on his/her sleeping bag whether he/she read the text or not. That's FML material.


That's what you get for lending out your sleeping bag to a couple of sex-crazed lunatics. They'll **** and **** until the sleeping bag resembles a Twinkie, and then YOU'RE ******! BAM!

If I knew my sister was reading my texts I would tell my boyfriend to send a message exactly like that, she shouldn't be reading my texts, and if she does she's gonna she something she probably doesn't want to.

I agree seriously it's called personal privacy.

ze_fml 0

Honestly, you're all putting the guy/girl down because he/she saw a text. But, come on, the stains were on his/her sleeping bag whether he/she read the text or not. That's FML material.

It was never mentioned whether there were stains or not. All that was mentioned was this supposed incident of their sister's messy sexual encounter with her boyfriend while camping.

hand-me-down* (for the clarity of other users, at first I think it was a type of sleeping bag)

Ajayy13 0
Switch_fml 0

Next time you see her bf ask him to pick up a new sleeping bag with his next box of condoms.

adelaide_evening 0

Hahaha, this is probably the best one I've seen. I also disagree somewhat with everyone else. My sister and I are really close, and I wouldn't care if she went through my text messages. It's somewhat snoopish, but I don't think it's nearly as big a deal as everyone is making it out to be.

That does suck. I won't lie. However, what did you think might happen? It's not that you deserve it, but your life isn't f***ed. Oh and why were you in her cell phone anyway? Sorry this had to happen but i clicked you deserve it.