By melon squash - 11/09/2016 10:15 - Belgium - Kessel-lo

Today, I lifted up a watermelon, not realising it had gone bad. The thing exploded like an alien giving birth. Stinking juice and rotten inside all over the kitchen. Even behind the build-in closets. It smells like rotten fruit cheese and I can't reach behind the closets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 559
You deserved it 1 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LostInTheZone11 29

On the plus side your wording is top notch.

That sounds terrible, but I laughed pretty hard at the term "fruit cheese." I wish you luck getting it cleaned up. You definitely don't want that smell sticking around.


Holy shit that must suck...good luck cleaning it.

LostInTheZone11 29

On the plus side your wording is top notch.

OP may not have a future as a watermelon farmer, but as an author? There's a chance.

That sounds terrible, but I laughed pretty hard at the term "fruit cheese." I wish you luck getting it cleaned up. You definitely don't want that smell sticking around.

It must have been left there a long time to get that bad.

Bright side: you could be the next Gallagher. His exploding watermelons don't have anything on your trick! I feel bad, that's going to be awful to clean. And from your description of the grossness, you will probably never eat watermelon again.

I'm in awe with your description... that's disgusting.

awildwhisper 30

Very good use of adjectives for visual stimulation.

species4872 19

You do realize that because of the watermelon escapade most of the audience has now left.

TabooSushi 24

Keep all possible windows/sources of ventilation open for as long as possible for a good while. It's probably the only way the smell will eventually dissipate.

try getting a high pressure hose and spraying it out

Yes, let's just flood the kitchen instead.