By sleepless - 18/02/2012 10:07 - United States

Today, I let my little sister sleep in my room because she had a nightmare. She is currently snoring like an overweight 40 year-old man with a cold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 746
You deserved it 3 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bring in an overweight 40 year old man with a cold and then she'll leave.


MatheusRajuidas 5
MatheusRajuidas 5

Damn, stupid autocorrect I was meant to type: "Track her back into her room with sandwiches."

How the hell did "Track her back into her room with sandwiches." auto-corrected into "how do you know?" ???

MatheusRajuidas 5

At least you helped her sleep and you were there for her :] that's nice of you.

I don't understand why people say that OP deserved it? She did a nice thing?

maronofhearts 19

If you're going to do something nice especially for a close family member you shouldn't just turn around and bitch about it. Yeah it was a minor inconvenience to you but it was one night deal with it. If you're just going to complain about doing something nice then don't do it

That's not your sister snoring. It's the overweight 40 y/o man that lives under your bed...

Jewnut 0

Thats how my sister used to sleep, just be happy you don't regularly share rooms

ydi for being judgmental of Snoring Americans, a class of people who have long been subject to humiliation for something they can't control. >:(

Yeah, because OP obviously know's about those conditions and her FML about not falling asleep because of that noise is obviously being judgemental to that class of "sleeping americans". Do you want that in that Americans with Disabilities act?

Well get a camera and record the whole event and show her in the morning and tell her if its how she sleeps every time then she cannot have your room next time she gets a nightmare :)