
By Anonymous - 17/10/2021 05:00

Today, I had dinner with my aunt and uncle recently. Halfway through, my uncle says, “This gravy tastes weird, does it taste OK to you? Oh sorry babe, I forgot you haven’t been able to smell or taste anything lately.” Well, into quarantine I go… FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 310
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slit8771 9

I got to have Covid twice good luck to you. find something to binge watch and just get thru it


slit8771 9

I got to have Covid twice good luck to you. find something to binge watch and just get thru it

I had it once pretty bad, was exposed to it twice and got tested. I got lucky negative, so my suggestion is get tested, pcr is supposed to be more accurate than rapid test. Good luck!

Jennij717 4

People have been losing their smell and taste for weeks and months. Doesn't mean he us currently infected

I hope you sued them for knowingly exposing you to COVID without your prior knowledge.